I have had a love of writing since I was in the seventh grade and took my first creative writing class. I have been writing short stories and novels off and on for over twenty years but got serious in 2009. You may ask why my passion has been in an ‘off and on’ mode for so long, well it’s simple; life happened. And I tried to tell myself that I couldn't do it. As it happens, I lied to myself.
I have been married since I was 18 to the same very patient man I am married to today. I dearly love my kids, my husband and my one remaining dog from my once canine herd. Being a mother of three sons, kept me busy, all of which are grown up now. And I am excited to say we have two newly adopted grandkids!
I also love to learn. And I have a diploma from The Long Ridge Writers Group in writing. And I have certificates in Aromatherapy 101, Advanced Aromatherapy, Natural Skin Care, Nutritional Therapist and a Masters of Herbalism. I am especially passionate about writing, reading and aromatherapy.
I try to live as clean and holistic as possible which goes hand-in-hand with me being a vegetarian. All the knowledge from those online courses has come in quite handy for my overall health and well-being.
For inquiries contact Lauryn L. Hill

My Causes:

Holistic Living
As I mentioned in the Bio section I have taken many holistic classes, aromatherapy, herbalism, skincare and nutrition. I have taught small classes on how to live a more holistic lifestyle, starting with the small things. It is so important it is that we use as few chemicals and toxins on our skin. Just as important is that we not ingest chemicals and toxins. By what our skin absorbs and what we eat, drink and breathe a buildup of these toxins can cause illness, disease and even death.

I love animals and have owned mice, chickens, ducks, rabbits, pigs, cows, horses, cats, and dogs, which is why I support the ASPCA. I can not tolerate animal abuse. I send them a monthly amount to help them fight animal abuse and neglect in this country. I believe it our duty as human beings to help those who can not help themselves.
St. Jude's Children's Hospital

Children should not have to suffer from horrible diseases and the parents should not have to worry about how to pay for their care. So I send money to St. Jude’s as often as I can. Since St. Jude’s does not charge the families for their services I feel this is an extremely important charity to support.
Freedom from Religion

I believe we all should have the right to believe what we want without trying to force those beliefs upon someone else. That includes using religion in politics, laws or in any form of government. The Separation of Church and State is extremely important to me, it is our Consitutional right.